Tall Ships Races Helsinki Programme


Thursday 4.7.2024

On the opening day of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024, a diverse program will be offered: live music, maritime stories, expert talks, and activities for children and youth.

Lasten uutisten puisto 11:00-18:00 (Childrens’ area)

The Lasten uutisten puisto is a cheerful green oasis in the middle of the event area for children and adults alike! You can find it at the intersection of Satamakatu and Kanavakatu, next to Uspenski Cathedral.

Workshop Area

Skidit työpajat

Lasten uutisten lava (stage)

Taikuri Kari (childrens’ magician)

Taikuri Kari (childrens’ magician)

Mimmit Duo

Other Activities in the Lasten uutisten puisto

TipTop Walkers


Street Stage 11:00-18:15

Over four days, the Street Stage will feature a variety of stylish atmospheres. Serving as the lounge stage for the restaurant area, this small stage will delight with a diverse lineup from local talents and international jazz artists and cool DJ’s. Interesting maritime stories will also be presented on the stage!

Maritime stories by Luontoliitto and the John Nurminen Foundation:

Noora Shingler interviewing Annukka Pekkarinen
“The Arctic and Antarctic from a sailor’s perspective – what are the differences between the North and the South?”

Noora Shingler interviewing Aino Huotari

Noora Shingler interviewing diving club divers Otto Kallaja and Sergey Ichtchenko

Noora Shingler interviewing sailor Ari Huusela

Live Music:

Olli Soikkeli Trio

Trio Banda Caribe Helsinki


The Event Square (Helsinki City Hall ) 11:00-16:30

At the Event Square located in the lobby of Helsinki City Hall, topical and expert-led talks will be held on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of July. The program will feature experts, civic activists, and researchers discussing constructive solutions. Additionally, the program includes a photography exhibition by Justus Järnefelt on the media wall, informative videos by SYKE, and tips from the John Nurminen Foundation on saving the Baltic Sea. The program will be hosted by journalist and enthusiastic Baltic Sea protector Tom Nylund. The talks will also be broadcast live on Helsinki-kanava.

At the City Hall Lobby one can find an educational “Treasures of the Sea” (Meren aarteet) board game for the youngest family members, which even older folks will enjoy! Board game is from the Finnish Environment Institute.

“Sustainable Future in Successful Business”

Extinction Talk (and what comes after)
Extinction Rebellion Finland

Panel Discussion: The Transition to Sustainability Calls, Are You In?
Nani Pajunen, Senior Specialist, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Valtteri Moilanen, Expert, Fossil-Free Finland Campaign

What is the Future of Plastic in Sustainable Business?
Kati Kauppi, Project Manager, BaltiPlast Project, City of Helsinki

Vision & Sustainability Roadmap for Sustainable Boating in the Baltic Sea Region
Jūlija Jaunrodziņa, Marketing Specialist, BaltSusBoating 2030:


Helsinki City Museum 11:00-19:00

As part of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki event, the The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health -project will organize an Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe) and a Huolituoli-reception, where you can discuss climate issues and share your thoughts with trained guides.

Helsinki Youth Services will organize DJ Academy Helsinki workshops on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of July, offering an easy introduction to DJ equipment and music playing.

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop


13:00-17:00 (start times)

Worries on your mind? Huolituoli-appointments available from June 20th! BOOK AN APPOINTMENT HERE.


Event Area 11:00-22:00

Research Vessel Aranda open for public
“Säröjä” AV installation (Inside Research Vessel Aranda)

11:00-20:00 Exhibition area (Keisarinluodonlaituri)
Luontoliitto and John Nurminen Foundation Presentation Booth
Muoviton Meri -campaign
Roskapolku -start
HSY presentation point

Other performers

TipTop Walkers

Acrobat Rae Reinvall


Crew Program on Thursday 4th July

Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024 will take place on Thursday from 11:55-12:01. During this time, the bells of Helsinki Cathedral will ring across the city, warmly welcoming the youth sailors and their magnificent ships. Following this solemn moment, the ships will respond by ringing their own bells and horns, greeting the city and its residents – celebrating the experience and spirit of adventure brought by the youth sailing competition.

Friday 5.7.2024

The second day of the event provides information about the Baltic Sea and its condition. At the Helsinki City Museum, there will be the DJ Academy for young people, Mieli ry’s worry chair, and a Climate Café. Live music will be performed by Olli Soikkeli Trio and Trio Banda Caribe Helsinki.

Lasten uutisten puisto 11:00-18:00 (Childrens’ area)

Lasten uutisten puisto is a cheerful green oasis for children and adults alike in the middle of the event area! You can find it at the intersection of Satamakatu and Kanavakatu, next to Uspenski Cathedral.

Workshop Area

Skidit työpajat

Lasten uutisten lava (stage)

Maritime Stories by Luontoliitto and the John Nurminen Foundation:

Ventriloquist Sari Aalto interviewing Annukka Pekkarinen
“Animals of the Frozen Seas – Stories about Penguins, Whales, and Other Marine Animals”

Ventriloquist Sari Aalto interviewing inventor Janne Käpylehto
“Thrilling Sea Adventures”

Ventriloquist Sari Aalto’s Stage Show

approx. 12:50-13:30
Ventriloquist Sari Aalto Meet & Greet

Taikuri Kari (Childrens’ magician)

ANAR Ensemble

Taikuri Kari (Childrens’ magician)

Mimmit Duo

Other Activities in the Lasten uutisten puisto

Taikuri Kari (Childrens’ magician)

TipTop Walkers


Street Stage 11:00-18:00

Over four days, the Street Stage will feature a variety of stylish atmospheres. Serving as the lounge stage for the restaurant area, this small stage will delight with a diverse lineup of local talents and international jazz artists.

“At the Ol’ Home Port”

Trio Banda Caribe Helsinki

Olli Soikkeli Trio


Espan Lava


What would an international youth sailing event be without the city’s own youth joining the festivities? Helsinki Youth Services will organize a Myötätuuli Club in connection with The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024, where the stage will be taken over by the city’s own promising talents!

Myötätuuli Club Program:



Wibe & Erityisluokka


Event Square (Helsinki City Hall) 11:00-16:00

At the Event Square located in the lobby of Helsinki City Hall, topical and expert-led talks will be held on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of July. The program will feature experts, civic activists, and researchers discussing constructive solutions. Additionally, the program includes a photography exhibition by Justus Järnefelt on the media wall, informative videos by SYKE, and tips from the John Nurminen Foundation on saving the Baltic Sea. The program will be hosted by journalist and enthusiastic Baltic Sea protector Tom Nylund. The talks will also be broadcast live on Helsinki-kanava.

At the City Hall Lobby one can find an educational “Treasures of the Sea” (Meren aarteet) board game for the youngest family members, which even older folks will enjoy! Board game is from the Finnish Environment Institute.

“Baltic Sea, Youth Voice and Future”

How is the Baltic Sea doing and how could it be better?
Juulia Suikula, Project Manager, John Nurminen Foundation
Interviewed by Johanna Suni, Communications Manager, John Nurminen Foundation

Presentation of the Youth Nature Relationship Survey results and panel discussion.
Helsinki Youth Council

Handling Environmental Emotions in the Climate Crisis – Baltic Sea and Environment on the Mind
Taneli Saari, Executive Director, Tunne ry

Messages from the Vantaa River – Protecting the Baltic Sea from Land
Anu Oksanen, Executive Director, Vantaanjoki and Helsinki Region Water Protection Association

Itämeripaneeli: Pathways to a Healthy Baltic Sea
Seppo Knuuttila, SYKE (Chair of the Baltic Sea Panel)
Markku Ollikainen, University of Helsinki (former Chair of the Baltic Sea and Climate Panels)
Esa Nikunen, Director of Environment, City of Helsinki
Lotta Ruokanen, HELCOM, Professional Secretary


Helsinki City Museum 11:00-19:00

As part of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki event, The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health –project will organize an Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe) and a Huolituoli-reception, where you can discuss climate issues and share your thoughts with trained guides on the event days.

Helsinki Youth Services will organize DJ Academy Helsinki workshops on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of July, offering an easy introduction to DJ equipment and music playing.

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop

DJ Academy Helsinki Workshop

Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe)

13:00-17:00 (start times)

Worries on your mind? Huolituoli-appointments available from June 20th! BOOK AN APPOINTMENT HERE


Event Area 11:00-22:00

Research Vessel Aranda open for public
“Säröjä” AV installation (Inside Research Vessel Aranda)

11:00-20:00 Exhibition area (Keisarinluodonlaituri)
Luontoliitto and John Nurminen Foundation Presentation Booth
Muoviton Meri -campaign
Roskapolku -start
HSY presentation point
Roskaton Helsinki -photobooth

Other performers

TipTop Walkers

Acrobat Rae Reinvall

Freestyle Footballer Emmi Björn

Linnanmäki Circus School


Crew Program on Friday 5th July

Crew Games

Katajanokka Football Field

In the Crew Games, young sailors and ship crews form teams to compete in an energetic tug-of-war tournament. This competitive event promises intense moments and high emotions in a contest to see who will win the coveted Crew Games prize, which will be awarded in the afternoon Prize Giving Ceremony.

This event is made possible by the Finnish Strength Athletics Federation.

Crew Parade

Senate Square – Lasipalatsi Square

The lively Crew Parade spreads the joy of youth sailing through the heart of Helsinki, offering a fantastic glimpse into the personalities of different ships. The spectacular procession starts from Senate Square and proceeds along Unioninkatu, Aleksanterinkatu, Mannerheimintie, and Simonkatu, ending at Lasipalatsi Square for the Prize Giving Ceremony. The parade is led by the Conscript Band and will also feature other performers from The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024!

Prize Giving Ceremony

Lasipalatsi Square, Helsinki

The main day of the crew program concludes with the Prize Giving Ceremony at Lasipalatsi Square, where the highlights of the youth sailing competition and event will be awarded. The ceremony will also feature performances by DJ Hapan Korppu and the Children and Youth Choir Vivace.

Saturday 6.7.2024

On Saturday, the audience will be entertained by the Timo Lassy Trio and the Repin & Rauhala Duo. The Kids’ Workshops will amuse the children, and freestyle footballer Emmi Björn will perform around the area. The Linnanmäki Circus School students will also be performing!

Lasten uutisten puisto 11:00-18:00 (Childrens’ area)

Lasten uutisten puisto is a cheerful green oasis in the middle of the event area for children and adults alike! You can find it at the intersection of Satamakatu and Kanavakatu, next to Uspenski Cathedral.

Workshop Area

Skidit työpajat

Lasten uutisten lava (Stage)


Päistikka Duo

Mimmit Duo

Other Activities in the Lasten uutisten puisto

TipTop Walkers

Freestyle Footballer Emmi Björn


Street Stage 11:00-18:00

The Street Stage will feature a variety of stylish atmospheres over four days. Serving as the lounge stage for the restaurant area, this small stage will delight with a diverse lineup of local talents and international jazz artists, as well as energetic DJ’s. The stage will also feature interesting maritime stories!

“Adventure Sails”

Maritime Stories by Luontoliitto and the John Nurminen Foundation:

Juho Flow interviewing Trash Day Eino and a Luonto-Liitto activist:
“Trash and the Baltic Sea”

Juho Flow interviewing inventor Janne Käpylehto
“Thrilling Sea Adventures”

Juho Flow interviewing maritime expert Juulia Suikula

(Note: At 14:30 JuhoFlow Meet & Greet will be held at the Luontoliitto and John Nurminen Foundation booth, Keisarinluodonlaituri)

Live Music:

Timo Lassy Trio

Repin & Rauhala Duo


Espan lava

What would an international youth sailing event be without the city’s own youth joining the festivities? Helsinki Youth Services will organize a Myötätuuli Club in connection with The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024, where the stage will be taken over by the city’s own promising talents! During the day, the stage will also host Päivitä Leino in honor of Eino Leino Day.

Myötätuuli Club Program:

Emma School Mixtape

Atso Dunkel

Kraiden Live Band


Hugo Cajan & Todellisuus

Päivitä Leino Program:

On Eino Leino Day, July 6th, the Esplanade Stage will feature top poets, spoken word artists, rappers, and singer-songwriters in the traditional Päivitä Leino event.

Helena Sinervo

Emma Leppo

Jaakko Laitinen & Harri Kuusijärvi

Announcement of the Eino Leino Prize Winner

Asa & Holtsu


Helsinki City Museum 11:00-16:30

As part of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki event, the The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health -project will organize an Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe) and a Huolituoli-reception, where you can discuss climate issues and share your thoughts with trained guides on the event days.

Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe)

13:00-16:00 (start times)

Worriies on your mind? Huolituoli-appointments available from June 20th! BOOK AN APPOINTMENT HERE


Event Area 11:00-22:00

Research Vessel Aranda open for public
“Säröjä” AV installation (Inside Research Vessel Aranda)

11:00-20:00 Exhibition area (Keisarinluodonlaituri)
Luontoliitto and John Nurminen Foundation Presentation Booth
Muoviton Meri -campaign
Roskapolku -start
HSY presentation point
Roskaton Helsinki -photobooth

JuhoFlow Meet & Greet at the Luonto-Liitto and John Nurminen Foundation booth (Keisarinluodonlaituri)

21:00 (Vironallas)
Sweet Fork Band

Other performers

Linnanmäki Circus School

TipTop Walkers

Sunday 7.7.2024 

The Tall Ships Races Helsinki 2024 culminates on Sunday with the Parade of Sails! The participating ships will depart in a spectacular formation towards the next port. The ships will begin the Undocking at 12:00.

Lasten uutisten puisto 11:00-16:00 (Childrens’ area)

The Children’s News Park is a cheerful green oasis in the middle of the event area! You can find it at the intersection of Satamakatu and Kanavakatu, next to Uspenski Cathedral.

Workshop Area

Skidit työpajat

Lasten uutisten lava (Stage)

Taikuri Kari (Childrens’ magician)

Taikuri Kari (Childrens’ magician)

Päistikka Duo

Other activities in the Lasten uutisten puisto

Magician Kari

Freestyle footballer Emmi Björn


Street Stage 11:00-16:00

Greetings from Tallinn Maris Pihlap and Maria Kallastu (EST)


Helsinki City Museum 11:00-16:30

As part of The Tall Ships Races Helsinki event, The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health –project will organize an Ilmastokahvila (Climate Cafe) and a Huolituoli-reception, where you can discuss climate issues and share your thoughts with trained guides on the event days.

Climate Café

13:00-16:00 (starting times)

Got worries on your mind? Huolituoli -appointments available from June 20 onwards! BOOK AN APPOINTMENT HERE


Event Area 11:00-16:00

11:00-16:00 Exhibition area (Keisarinluodonlaituri)
Luontoliitto and John Nurminen Foundation Presentation Booth
Muoviton Meri -campaign
Roskapolku -start
HSY presentation point

Other performers

Freestyle footballer Emmi Björn


Crew Program on Sunday, July 7

Parade of Sails

On Sunday, the Tall Ships Races vessels head towards Tallinn in a spectacular Parade of Sails. Throughout the morning, the ships prepare for departure, and they begin casting off from the dock at 12:00. Off the coast of Helsinki, the ships will form up before raising their sails and setting off, offering a magnificent view of the city’s maritime landscape. Many ships have their own unique and impressive departure ceremonies, which are worth coming to watch at the event area or from nearby shores and islands.

Acrobat Rae Reinvall

Freestyle Footballer Emmi Björn